Colt Ace Lookup



Photos & Information
Disassembly Instructions
Parts Identification
Production Dates
Colt Ace
Instruction Sheet
Form A-106 PDF (274k)
pw: Recommended References from

Rich DiFlorio Collection

Colt Ace serial number 211 - Early Ace pistol, blue with checkered walnut grips, manufactured in 1931.

Left side view. Notice the semi-circle localized hardening mark around the groove to hold open the slide.

Bottom of the slide showing recoil spring and eight buffers (part number 54 in Colt Ace parts diagram)

Barrel and ejector.

Close-up of underside of slide. Notice how firing pin stop of the Ace model has a roller on the bottom.

An original yellow sight tag containing instructions for adjusting the the Ace sight. The rear of the tag (right image) reads as follows:
'CAUTION - When adjusting Ace rear sight, care should be taken not to raise sight leaf (A) above top graduation line (B) on base. Tension of the threaded elevating screw (C) may be lost by careless adjustments and the effectiveness of the sight destroyed'

Firing assembly from top to bottom: Firing pin stop, firing pin and firing pin spring.

Rear of slide has serial number 211 which matches the number on the frame.

Close-up of right side slide markings and serial number. Right profile view of adjustable rear sight.

Top of frame near disconnector.

Top view of adjustable rear sight.

Front grip strap.

Original two-tone magazine. Hole in rear of magazine (visible in the photo below) does not appear on all Ace magazines. Later two-tone magazines have been observed without the hole. Base plate of the magazine with COLT over ACE in a diamond over 22 L.R.

Rear view of magazine.

Left side of slide.

Colt Ace Serial Number Lookup

22LR; 99% blue, 99% parkerized, like new bore, like new grips, 4.75' barrel, Manufactured in 1981, with original blue finish and smooth grips with silver medallions. Fixed front and adjustable rear sights. Stamped on the left side of the slide with, COLT Service Model, ACE diamond, 22 Long Rifle, and Rampant Colt logo. Colt's Manufacturing Company - firearms, handguns, pistols, rifles, revolvers. Colt Automatic Pistols is dedicated to collectors and enthusiasts of military and commercial Colt pistols, Colt revolvers, Colt firearms and accessories. Colt Ace.22 LR Pistol Production Information -


Colt Ace Serial Number Lookup

Colt Service Model Ace.22 LR - How to Check for Matching Serial Number on Rear of Slide Reassemble in reverse order by depressing firing pin with pen or toothpick while sliding the firing pin stop back up into place. I know I've seen it before, but I can't find it now. I am looking for a reference to cross serial numbers to manufacture dates, specifically Colts. Once a valid link to the references is posted, maybe it could be made a sticky?